
Here we record the adventures that we take as a family, near and far.

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord for his provision and protection tonight as He delivered us from two snakes when our car broke down and we had to walk home a couple miles in the dark. As an added bonus, we got to see just about every constellation in a beautiful night sky, and a parade of satellites passing through.

It was a great time of growth as a family as we learned to trust the Lord and watch out for each other. I especially appreciated one son repeatedly express thankfulness for his brother (something with which he struggles) after that brother saved him from the first rattlesnake.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Good Morning from the Farm

2023 09 02 good morning

We got our first chicken for the farm!

We got our first chicken for the farm!

Moving onto a Farm

God blesses specific prayer. He just gave us everything that we asked Him for in a new house, and a price we can afford to pay for rent. Now I'm a little terrified; was He just answering our prayer, or did He give it to us because He has a great sense of humor, and now we have 'what we always wanted..."? Time will tell. But for now, we are moving onto a farm right in the middle of the people that God has called us to, and we are excited for the new adventure that awaits!

Thank you for praying, Friends, and please don't stop.

Our Adventure on Lassen Trail

lassen trailWe will tell about this story by relating our Facebook posts.

May 2, 2023 - 12:17 am

After making a visit way out in the boonies today, we ended up out in the wilderness with a collapsing road and two flat tires. AAA can't locate us, the closest towing company won't come out here, and the Sheriff's office said it's pointless to send a tow truck. Search and Rescue is searching for us now, and said that they hope to be to us by around 2 AM but the Suburban won't be returning with us.
Please pray for a guy named Mike who listened to the Gospel today, and invited us back again.

May 2, 2023 - 7:58 am

Update: we made it home safe at about 8 this morning, thanks to some wonderful Search and Rescue folks. Thanks for praying!

May 2, 2023 - 4:14 pm

I'm very grateful for the unique opportunities that we had to present the Gospel to several people yesterday whom we would never had come in contact with if we hadn't had our adventure. It thrilled my heart to see everyone in my family - my boys included - step out of their comfort zone and tell the search and rescue folks about being born again!

High Desert Museum

high desert museum

Pastor Brown's Retirement

pastor brown retirement


In the van, driving home today from running some errands, Enoch and Ezra were sitting in the far back seat, and Enoch called up to me, "Papa, for a pet, may we buy an owl?"

I told him, "No," and explained that most people have cats or dogs for pets but that Mama and Papa have allergies to cat and dog hair and so we can't get them either. 

"How about a fish?" asked Enoch. 

So Krysta and I leaned together and whispered about the pros and cons of giving our four boys the responsibility of a pet fish. After a few exchanges, Krysta whispered to me, "You know they will stop feeding it and it will die, and I'm not sure I'm ready to work through their little emotions when that happens."

I was about to whisper back that it might be different with boys, when the boys broke the silence from the back seat, proving my point for me. 

Enoch: "Then, after we've had the fish for awhile, we can cook it and eat it!"

Ezra: "Yeah! We could have a fish sandwich!"

Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, WA

2022 09 watkins

The Giant Redwoods

giant redwoods

Tillamook Factory

tillamook factory

Pastor Lydick's Retirement

pastor lydick retirement