
Here we record the adventures that we take as a family, near and far.

God Loves to Answer Prayer!

Every day, we have been gathering as a family to pray for some specific requests. Today, God poured His blessing, and showed us in minute detail that He answers detailed prayer. Over 34 specific prayer requests were answered today, some of which were seemingly small and insignificant, while others were so large that they were beyond our human means, yet God cared about every one of them.

Psalm 68:19, "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah."

Woody Woodpecker

My son just rescued Woody Woodpecker from some barbed wire. Did you know that woodpeckers sqwack loudly when wrapped in barbed wire?

woody woodpecker




A few years back, I won a hatchet-throwing contest at a men's retreat and was awarded this machete. Today, I was very grateful for it, as I used it to kill a rattlesnake that was pestering my kids and animals. I'm super thankful to God for His protection, and let me tell you: it was way more exciting than watching a nature documentary. Boy can those things strike!

First, I cut it in half with my machete. Then we stoned it with large rocks. Then Enoch cut off its head with a shovel. Then we beat it to death some more. Then we drowned it in a bucket of water for five or ten minutes. Then we beat it even more. Now the boys are out digging a deep hole in which to bury its head.

As a preacher, I got so many sermon illustrations out of this experience. For example, when the old serpent (the devil) raises its ugly head in your life or family, you better go after it and MAKE SURE it's really dead. As you wield your machete of Scripture, you can use the tools of honesty, diligence, accountability, and humility to beat the living daylights out of that sin problem!

Best we can tell, it was a Northern Pacific Rattlesnake, which rarely grow above 2.5 feet. This was a big one, though. According to my tape measure, it was 39.5 inches long, and a little more than 3 inches around in the middle. I included a basketball in the picture for comparison.



God Still Answers Prayer

God still answers prayer. Within seconds of gathering the family to pray about a specific and urgent need, God answered it precisely in a way that was clearly only God.

Dare to teach your kids that God hears and answers prayer, then live it by praying specifically and watching God work.

Faith = Hearing from God + Believing Him + Obeying Him

I think therefore I am... a chicken!

This just "goats" to show that new age thinking is a mess.

Also, introducing... KFG - Kentucky Fried Goat!

goat on the roost

5 Love Languages

I'm pretty sure that Gary Chapman was wrong - the five love languages, at least in our home, are Carbs, Protein, Fruits & Veggies, Dairy, and Bacon, but mostly bacon.

#4boys #FamilyOfBoys #FarmWork

She got saved!

I'm so thankful for my wife willing to go pickup a young lady this morning after the church van had already returned. This young lady had changed her mind and decided that she wanted to come to church after all, and after praying about it, we decided to go pick her up, even if that meant coming back in the middle of class. That young lady received Christ as her Saviour this morning, and that eternal decision was more than worth messing up our schedules and class routines. Praise the Lord!

Exhausted, but Joyful

Sitting here tonight, I'm exhausted, but very happy and excited to see what God is doing.

The last several weeks have been tough, from a human perspective. It seems like we are in the middle of on old west range war. I sit here covered in mud and manure, having worked late in the night to replace a water main that was deliberately destroyed on the farm where we live. Yesterday, I spent much of the day blocking a gate, in order to keep someone from coming in; all the while listening to him misquote Scripture to this (in his words) "so-called preacher," as if out-of-context Bible verses will convince me to let him come on private property to steal.

We've reassembled / rewired the well twice, rebuilt the generator three times, repaired a bunch of other sabotage, and gone without water and power on several days. I've also installed several security lights and cameras.

I'm not complaining in the least. God is at work here. There needs to be a church here. People are asking God for a church here.

I'm excited to see God work, because He is answering prayer directly over and over, in spite of - and somewhat as a result of, the difficulties we face right now.

Some direct answers to prayer that God has provided over the last few weeks -

  • A truck
  • A phone
  • A washing machine
  • A propane stove / oven (hard to find one that is propane top and bottom, but needed since power is limited here)
  • A good propane fridge
  • A lap pool (needed for health reasons due to past injuries)
  • And there is more, but all of these were things that we asked the Lord specifically for, but told almost no one about most of these needs. And God provided in great, specific detail!

The greatest blessing to me came this afternoon when I stopped at the house of someone who has been faithfully coming to services. He was on the phone with a friend, inviting him to come to services, and telling him all about what happens at church and that he is planning to get baptized.

When he finished his call, he told me that he found a place that we can use to baptize him. Since we don't have a building yet, and meet for services at a park, we don't have a ready baptistry. Yet, he went out of his way to find a place where there is water so that he can be baptized! On Sunday, we finished going through several things concerning salvation, and he has a clear salvation testimony, and now is ready to be baptized.

We had a great visit with a neighbor this morning, who in the past has not been particularly open to our ministry. Yet, today, she shared with us that she has seen God work through these problems and wanted to know if we could study God's Word together.

It was also a real encouragement to me to receive a surprise visit from my sister and brother-in-law yesterday. Sometimes, you just need family around!

God is working. As we have faced these things that pose a threat to the ministry that God has given us, God has overcome so much that it is hard to put in words. Thank you for praying for us, and please don't stop.

Some things for which I am thankful today:

boys in truck

  • Hard-working boys
  • A new-to-us truck that fits all of us and will be a great asset for ministry and farm (thanks for the help, Briggs!)
  • A phone (thanks Bro. Haxton!)
  • A wonderful guard dog

A Windy Day on the Farm

Son: "Mom, I just saw a chicken blow past!"

Yep, it is a windy day!