
Here we record the adventures that we take as a family, near and far.

It's a Turkey Soup kinda night!

turkey soup

Thanksgiving Turkey

Yes, you can cook a full turkey on a BBQ grill. As always, we stuffed it with bacon, green beans, garlic, and onions. We are thankful to God for providing a huge, 25-lb turkey for free through Winco because we accidentally spent $125 when picking up a few necessities.

thanksgiving turkey

Hot Water Heater

Son, marry a woman who willingly stands beside you to hoist a hot water heater into place. However, don't assume she enjoys plumbing (even a little). Chances are, she just wants a hot shower before Thanksgiving.

Cloudy Days

Now that we've been in California for a year, I am beginning to understand the connection between discouragement and cloudy days. Cloudy days never bothered me when we lived in Washington, where cloudy days were the norm. That's what it must be like for sinners who are lost in sin: they don't know what it is like to have the Son shine all the time on their lives, so their sin doesn't bother them.

Meeting People

You never know what you will encounter in ministry, working with people. I visited with a transvestite man today, who tried to justify the lifestyle that he had chosen with Bible, by saying that he is a modern-day Nazarite, and that he felt pure enough to do the service of the temple.

I also met a woman today who believed that she had the protection of God on her life, because the shadow of the crosses of three different neighborhood churches fell on her house. She then told me that she does not believe in Christianity, though, but rather follows the spirits of three goats that she sees and listens to from time to time. "It's nothing bad, though," she said, "because I've followed them for a long time, and I am old now, and nothing bad has happened to me even though I worship goats. I'm not dead yet."

Fellow Christians, we live in a mission field in the good ol' USA. Please pray for these people. Get out and witness to those around you. You will find folks who are trapped in superstition. You will find folks who use the Bible to justify sin. And, if we are not careful to heed sound doctrine that is preached in the local church, we will find ourselves in superstition, using our Bibles to justify our own apathy. Let's be salt and light.

- Bro. Jared

Dinner is about to be served... our cleaning and cooking cowboy.

Everyone is pitching in today to get things in order before the bad weather next week.

ezekiel cowboy cook


Child 1, whining: "Papa, he took my flashlight RIGHT out of my hand and left me in the dark, and it's REALLY dark!"

Papa: (calls Child 2)

Child 2, without waiting to be interrogated (oh, and also whining): "But I had a REALLY good reason for taking the light... (goes on for three, Dickens- size volumes)"

Papa: "The bottom line is, if you steal something, no matter the reason, you don't get to keep it. Give him back his flashlight."

Child 2: "Yes, Sir" (proceeds to seemingly obey)

Papa (watching closely): "Give him the BATTERIES, too!" (Child 2 proceeds to give him the batteries.)

Papa (turns to Momma): "Do you ever feel like we're living in a soap opera?"

Momma: "Wait, you mean we're not?..."

There's just somethin' 'bout a boy and his dog...

edword kadin

And we discovered the boat. Nevermind the little leak...

Sailing, Sailing over the (po-ond) blue!

 sailing 1

 Why don't they listen to my rowing advice (while I stay safe on dry land)?

sailing 2

 We're going in circles!

sailing 3

We're taking on water!

sailing 4

Bale us out, Ezekiel!

sailing 5