Thank you for praying for our ministry, and for giving as God lays on your heart.
The most urgent need that we have right now concerns electrical power. We are praying for the money to have reliable power. We depend upon solar power and a generator for power. Due to theft and sabotage, our power is not sufficient or stable. Our generator is broken beyond repair, and not functioning properly. We need to raise about $8000 to replace the generator and repair the solar. Please pray for this need! Having reliable power would go a long way to accomplishing what God has called us to do here. It is also essential to my business.
We also need more consistent income. When I moved down here to California, I had a ministry-related job offer which fell through when I had to take a Biblical and ethical stand (with the prayer and counsel of my sending pastor and others). I also had some long-time clients in my website, graphics, and printing business. The economy has tightened spending everywhere, and I no longer have sufficient client income.
While God has never ceased to care for us, and has made it abundantly clear that we are ministering where we need to be, I am praying that God will provide consistent income to keep going.
If you need graphics, website, or printing work, I would love to help you out. For local church ministries and bi-vocational pastors, I offer my services at steep discounts. Please pray for this need, and contact us if we can be a blessing to you.
If the Lord lays on your heart to give to help our family our ministry, here are the links where you can securely give electronically, using a Debit / Credit Card or ACH / eCheck.
To give directly and instantly to help our family:
Click Here to Help Us Directly
(This method goes through our business and comes to us instantly; you will receive a receipt, but it is not tax-deductible).
To give through our church giving page:
Click Here to Support Us Through Our Church
Please choose "Watkins Family Support" from the fund drop-down at the top. (This method goes through our church's page, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes.)