
How Do We Reach the World?

poem how do we reach the world

Emmanuel, God With Us

emmanuel god with us poem


friendship poem


20240726 220117

Living By Faith

living by faith

A Brand New Year

A brand new year has just begun.
The old year: gone; and it is done.
The victories, trials, joys, and tears:
Memories now, with other years.

A brand new page, so white and clean:
Adventures new, yet to be seen.
God's guiding hand is always there.
Remember: go to Him in prayer.

A brand new choice for you to make
Every day when you awake.
Will you listen, trust, and obey?
Or from the Lord begin to stray?

A brand new call - so still and small;
We may not understand it all.
If we will trust that God knows best,
We'll have a year of peace and rest.

Never Alone

Never Alone


If rain was God's tears
All falling on the earth,
I think the rain may never stop,
We'd never have a dearth.

God's tears for the lost
Who'll soon fall into Hell
Would flood the earth ev'ry day
Cause no one went to tell.

God's tears for His own
Innumerable they'd be
For Christians oft don't spread the news
How they have been set free.

So, I know the rain
Is not from God crying
But it helps me to remember
God's love for the dying.


Saturday Morning, we all meet at 10.
Learn about soulwinning and pray for lost men.
Then at 11, we head out the door,
Jump in the cars, and prepare for the "chore".

The children complaining, "It's cold!" or "It's hot!"
The adults contemplating, "Hope, we're not shot!"
We arrive at the place for us to begin,
We knock on the doors, not realizing our sin.

Each house that we walk to is just like the other,
Sometimes, we wonder, "Why all the bother?"
"No one will listen," we think from the start.
"Oh, good, no one answered!" as we depart.

Right around 12, we're done for the week.
We all knocked on doors, lost souls tried to seek.
We think that our job is now all complete.
But Christ's commission, we all did defeat.

Christ told us to go, to tell them of Him.
Or else the Light of the gospel will dim.
Look at the apostles! They went out EVERY day!
We're out for an hour, we think we obey.

Just think of the people suffering in Hell.
Are they there, just because we did not tell?
Every door that we come to, each person we meet.
There's another soul, who'll fall at Christ's feet.

We need to tell them that Jesus will save!
Tell them what He did. Our sins He forgave!
We spend so little time obeying God's command.
We need to go and tell all across this land!!!!

My Man

Lord, as I come before You,
I ask Your will be done.
Please, bring a man into my life,
Who is your faithful son.

This man, I ask, please make him,
Especially for me.
Make him strong in You, dear Lord.
The best that he can be.

Help us, for we're human,
We fail You every day.
Please, help us both together,
Serve You in every way.

To be a perfect marriage,
T'will take Your loving hand.
Preparing us both in a way,
For obeying Your command.

Our marriage must be centered,
Completely on You, Lord.
For if we do not do this,
No peace comes, but a sword.

So, as I wait for Your plan
To work within my life.
I ask, please, make him just for me!
Making me his loving wife.