
Why Pray?

I Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing."

It is a short, simple, unbendable instruction. The simple definition of the word 'pray' is 'to ask.' We should be constantly talking to God, asking: asking for the next step to take; asking for understanding; asking for our needs and desires.

God dwells constantly with the believer, so it should only be natural that you are constantly talking to God, just like you would talk to a friend who is close. Wouldn't it be strange to spend time with a friend - hiking, or eating a meal together, or going bowling - and never say a word to one another? How much more, then, should we talk constantly to God as we walk with Him!

When you have a need, go to God. God is the provider of our needs and wants (Matthew 7:11, James 1:17). In fact, Jesus declared in John 14:12-14 that, through faith-filled prayer, we can do "greater works" than what Christ did on Earth!

When we pray, God seems to have a priority order in which He works to fulfil the need.

First, He corrects you if necessary:

  1. Is the request a lustful one? (James 4:3)
  2. Instead, is the request one that helps you do what God has called you to do? (John 14:11)
  3. Do you need correction in your life that will resolve the request? For instance, if you are short $500 every month for your bills, but spend $500 every month on alcohol, cigarettes, and casinos, God will lovingly correct your wrong behavior and misplaced priorities, and that will resolve the need (Revelation 3:19).

Secondly, He uses other believers (II Corinthians 8:1-5) When you don't have the capability of meeting your needs yourself, God will often use other believers to meet the need that you have taken to God in prayer. II Corinthians 8 is one example of how Paul, in serving God, received unsolicited gifts from the people in the church at Corinth. God put Paul's needs on the hearts of his people, who took care of it. Though he doesn't have to, God delights in using His children to meet needs (Luke 6:38)!

I could give you several personal testimonies of times when I had an urgent need, and took it to God alone. While I was praying, God put that need on another brother's heart, without anyone but God telling him about it. Then, my prayer to God about the need was interrupted by the phone call of that other brother - calling me to meet the need that I had told God alone about.

Thirdly, He uses non-believers. What if God's children are not listening to God's direction (it happens!) or are not able to meet the need? Then God will use other, unsaved men to help.

Consider heathen King Cyrus (Ezra 1:1-2), whom God used rebuild the Jewish Temple after the Babylonian Captivity. Consider the widow woman, who did not yet know the Lord, but God used her to meet Elijah's need (I Kings 17:9). There are many other Biblical examples of God using whomever He will to answer the prayers and needs of His people!

Finally, when human resources are exhausted, God uses supernatural means to answer our prayer requests.

Consider the ravens that brought Elijah his meals (I Kings 17:4). Read about the protection of the heavenly, angelic host that was seen in response to Elisha's prayer (II Kings 6:16-18). Consider the thousands that Jesus fed, when, in earthly terms, there were only five loaves and two small fishes available (Mark 6:35-44)

Here is the point: pray without ceasing! Never stop praying! Prayer is the key to God's definition of success. Take your confusion to God, not man, and ask Him for counsel. Take your decisions to God, not man, and ask Him for direction. Take your needs and wants to God, not man, and you will find that He will answer in ways that only He is capable! By depending upon God, and not man, you will see miracles every day that others miss out on - because prayer works!