
10 Drops of Rain

There was rain in the forecast, so we prayed. We have been told that we can't meet for services in the park, because, "what about the rain?" Yet in the 1 1/2 years that we've been meeting for church in the park, we haven't been rained out yet, and it is because of answered prayer. Sometimes we have seen it rain right next to us, but not on us. We've had every bench and table around us soaked, but not the ones we were meeting at.

We prayed, and we went to church. When we began to start services, I noticed 4 drops of rain come down on my notes. We stopped and prayed that God would hold back the rain. The rain stopped.

Half-way through preaching, six more drops hit my notes. I stopped and asked the Lord to hold it back. We remembered how the Lord rebuked the storm in the boat with the disciples, and how Elijah prayed and stopped the rain, and how James said that we are of alike to Elijah when it comes to being able to have prayer answered.

And God held back the rain. 10 drops in total.

Faith still works.

Miracles often have little show to them.

God still answers prayer.